Ahead of the holiday shopping season, Gmail is adding package tracking and delivery information in a glanceable manner.
If an email/order has a tracking number, Gmail will surface glanceable information directly in the inbox view just underneath the subject line. Featuring an icon and appearing in green, this can include the estimated arrival date, as well as statuses like “Label created,” “Arriving tomorrow,” and “Delivered today.”
When you open the email, you’ll get a summary card that features an image preview, product name, and delivery information. There will also be an order status timeline with shortcuts to “Track package” directly and see “Order details.” It will be quite nice to swipe through emails and see that card appear in a consistent format.
Google says Gmail “package tracking will be available across most major U.S. shipping carriers” and is rolling out over the coming weeks for Android and iOS. It will come to the web over the “coming months.”
Once available, you’ll get a “Track your packages in Gmail” card at the top of your inbox to opt-in. It can be disabled at any time.

In the “coming months,” Gmail will “proactively show a delay label and bring the email to the top of your inbox so you don’t miss a beat (or a package).”